Thèse soutenue

Les maladies des plantes de 1755 à 1807 : controverses et dominances

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Auteur / Autrice : Gilles Denis
Direction : Claire Salomon-Bayet
Type : Thèse de doctorat
Discipline(s) : Histoire et philosophie des sciences
Date : Soutenance en 1994
Etablissement(s) : Paris 1


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With the development of the physiocratical ideas, around 1740, several important people, concerned with the rationalization of agricultural practices take an interest in corn diseases, which become a object of study, in the manner of syphil is or the plague. Initially, this group is essentially made up of administrators, magistrates, landowners or educated farmers. We name the members of this group the "agriculturists" (in french "agriculteurs"). They enter in the debate s over plant diseases, which took place, up to this time, in texts on meteorology, plants physiology or in books of "simples". In this way, a confrontation is made possible between these studies, the learnings and practical uses of the peasants and the observations and experiments the agriculturists make in the fields. The principal authors are Tillet the most important one whose first text dates from 1755 - Aymen, Ginanni, Gleditsch, Needham, Duhamel du Monceau. The debates take shape around the traite de la culture des terres by latter, and later, within the agricultural societies. After 1770, chemists such as Parmentier, Tessier, Lapostolle, Fourcroy follow upon the works of the "agriculturists", dand seek to perfect, essentially through analysis, the explanatory models emerge, but in a different historical context : that of the classification of the imperfect plants and of microscopic beings, the reflection upon parasites, the nature of living matter and the links between plants, soil and climate.