Thèse soutenue

La politique monétaire dans un contexte d'innovations et de déréglementation financières : l'expérience des pays de l'OCDE et les leçons pour la Tunisie

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Auteur / Autrice : Souad Khaib Meddeb
Direction : Claude Berthomieu
Type : Thèse de doctorat
Discipline(s) : Sciences économiques
Date : Soutenance en 2000
Etablissement(s) : Nice
Partenaire(s) de recherche : Equipe de recherche : Centre d'Etudes en Macroéconomie et Finance Internationale (Nice)


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The financial mutations concerned, in the eighties, all monetary and financial systems of the countries of the OECD, then a little later those of some countries in development as Tunisia. For the set of the countries of the OECD, they had for aim to give more efficiency to their monetary and financial systems whereas for the second, they had for role to make come them out of the situation of the indebtedness in which they engulfed themselves. But while modifying the importance and the nature of different components of the financial systems and while helping towards the emergence of new shapes of financing, they didn't fail to affect the conduct and the efficiency of the monetary politics. . .