Thèse soutenue

Giorgio Bassani hors les murs : étude des écrits de jeunesse, des textes poétiques et critiques

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Auteur / Autrice : Elisabeth Kertesz-Vial
Direction : Mario Fusco
Type : Thèse de doctorat
Discipline(s) : Italien
Date : Soutenance en 1994
Etablissement(s) : Paris 3

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This thesis is based upon bassani's works apart from romanzo of ferrara. It is divided into three parts. The first one is centered upon di la dal cuore, a volume published in 1984. We considered private writings, then public speaches, in order to present the author's political and cultural commitment. Therefore, our study of critical essays falls into two categories : historical aspects and literary ones. We continued by a thematic survey and focussed on the contribution made by benedetto croce's theories to giorgio bassani's work. The second chapter explores in rima e senza, a book of rhyme issued in 1982. We analysed the structure of the volume, it s sources, and examined the permanent features of poetry. We considered afterwards the links between fiction and verses. Bassani's initial narrative works - ten "frammenti" published in "corriere padano" (1935-1937) and una citta di pianura (1940) - are the subject of the third chapter. We were particularly interested in the study of space and time.