Thèse en cours

Contested Gendering : decolonial Readings of Snakewoman Deities and their Reception

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Triangle exclamation pleinLa soutenance a eu lieu le 27/09/2013. Le document qui a justifié du diplôme est en cours de traitement par l'établissement de soutenance.
Auteur / Autrice : Zairong Xiang
Direction : Ingrid Hotz-DaviesIngrid Hotz-Davies
Type : Projet de thèse
Discipline(s) : Littérature générale et comparée
Date : Inscription en doctorat le 28/10/2010
Soutenance le 27/09/2013
Etablissement(s) : Perpignan en cotutelle avec Eberhard-Karls-Universität (Tübingen, Allemagne)
Ecole(s) doctorale(s) : École doctorale INTER-MED (Perpignan ; 2011-....)



The project proposes to continue the investigation done in the ma dissertation titled, the chinese myth of the white snake: a feminist cultural analysis of the interrelationship between the (textual/gendered) body and the narrative transformation, which focuses on the transformation of an ancient and still popular cultural myth, the 'lady white snake' (baishe zhuan), and investigates the gender politics in the transformation of the story throughout history and in the circulation between creative production and critical assessment of it. in the doctoral phase, studies will still focus on the comparativeness in multiple levels, from works of art to the critical discourse around and beyond it, from ancient oral/written story to contemporary cinematic interpretation, from mainland china to taiwan and hong kong and to the us, mexico and europe, as well as all these levels' interrelationship and their reference and implications to the actual politics of gender, identity and culture. it will based the argument in critical theories through the genealogy of the narrative transformation and criticism around it.