Thèse en cours

Modélisation multiéchelle de l'angiogenèse et de la lymphangiogenèse: vers le développement de modèles de tumeurs virtuelles

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Auteur / Autrice : Amy Turner
Direction : Angélique StéphanouGibin Powathil
Type : Projet de thèse
Discipline(s) : MBS - Modèles, méthodes et algorithmes en biologie, santé et environnement
Date : Inscription en doctorat le 01/01/2018
Etablissement(s) : Université Grenoble Alpes en cotutelle avec Swansea University
Ecole(s) doctorale(s) : École doctorale ingénierie pour la santé, la cognition, l'environnement (Grenoble ; 1995-....)
Partenaire(s) de recherche : Laboratoire : Techniques de L'Ingénierie Médicale et de la Complexité - Inofrmatique, Mathématiques et Applications.
Equipe de recherche : DyCTim : Dynamique Cellulaire/Tissulaire et microscopie fonctionnelle

Mots clés

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Tumour growth models are numerous but they rarely (i) allow to follow the spatiotemporal evolution of the tumour and its microenvironment synergistically, (ii) integrate all the scales from intracellular events (protein activity) to the tissue/organ scale (alteration of tissue/organ functionality), (iii) integrate the combine effects and influences of the angiogenic and lymphangiogenic vascular networks. This hampers the use of the models to realistically test and assess the effects of drugs since the dispersion of the drugs through the vessels and diffusion through the tissue - that depends on these networks - are still disregarded. In this project we intend to develop such an integrated and multiscale model of the tumour and its vascular/lymphatic microenvironment and to our knowledge this will be the first of its kind. The model will thus give a mean to predict the outcome of treatment with an unprecedented level of accuracy. It will then make it possible to compute optimum treatment with regards to drug dose, scheduling and combination of molecules (specifically anti-cancer and anti-vascular molecules) for each individual patient.