Thèse soutenue

Auteur / Autrice : Abhishek Ramanujan
Direction : Anne Louis
Type : Thèse de doctorat
Discipline(s) : Electronique
Date : Soutenance en 2011
Etablissement(s) : Rouen
Ecole(s) doctorale(s) : École doctorale sciences physiques mathématiques et de l'information pour l'ingénieur (Saint-Etienne-du-Rouvray, Seine-Maritime ; ....-2016)
Partenaire(s) de recherche : Laboratoire : Institut de recherche en systèmes électroniques embarqués (Saint-Étienne-du-Rouvray, Seine-Maritime ; 2001-...)


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With component level electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) taking the front stage in design of embedded microelectronic systems, EMC models help circuit designers in understanding the behavior of the system even before its fabrication. In this context, generic electromagnetic emission models, optimized and compatible to modeling miniature microelectronic devices, are developed. The basic architecture of the models has been inspired from a previously existing magnetic field model developed in IRSEEM. First, a mono-frequency model capable of reproducing and predicting the radiated electromagnetic fields above any device is developed. A set of elementary electric dipole is used to represent the model and a state-of-the art extraction method, incorporating a non-linear optimization algorithm, is implemented in order to extract the model parameters. The role of the effective relative permittivity of the DUT is taken into account in the modeling procedure. The model has been validated on several conventional microwave components, miniature and “on-chip” devices. The computational performance of the model is then optimized and made robust suitable for application to complex devices. As a proof of concept, the method is validated on a couple of test cases. Second, the monofrequency model is extended toward predicting the large-band electromagnetic fields and thereby the time-harmonic fields. Fourier series based method is used for transforming the wide-band frequency data into time-domain. The modeling principle is validated with time-domain simulations performed in a 3D electromagnetic software. Finally, an integrated development environment has been developed in order to facilitate the use of the developed emission models. The menu-based intuitive tool provides the right environment for engineers and designers to use and test the models for specialized applications.