Thèse soutenue

La recherche de la beauté : une contribution à l'histoire des pratiques et des représentations de l'embellissement féminin au Brésil, 1900-1980

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Auteur / Autrice : Denise Bernuzzi de Sant'Anna
Direction : Michelle Perrot
Type : Thèse de doctorat
Discipline(s) : Histoire
Date : Soutenance en 1994
Etablissement(s) : Paris 7

Mots clés


Mots clés contrôlés


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Study on practices and representation of feminine embellishment in brazil along a historical perspective. The developed reflectio follow a social history on appearance and behavior of women. These ones are influenced by a large spectrum of advice coming from the press and beauty books. This thesis is divide in four parts : the first one expose the theoritical and methodological approach chosen. The second gives an account of the methods and the beauty products prescript in brazil before 1950. In the third one is exposed the news methods created with the development of the cosmetology and by new values wich appears under the influence of american way of life and the development of the consumer society in brazil. The last part explain how the rignt to beauty becomes superfluous if it does not come from a preoccupation for the protection and the preservation of the body like an element of the environment.