@PHDTHESIS{tapia2016, url = "http://www.theses.fr/2016EHES0112", title = "Turkish - and Greek - Speaking Orthodox Christians and Muslims of Cappadocia : Intercommunal Relations in an Ottoman Rural Context (1839-1923)", author = "Tapia (Aylin de Tapia), Aude Aylin de", year = "2016", pages = "2 vol. (469 p.)", note = "Thèse de doctorat dirigée par Anastassiadou, Méropi et Kırlı, Cengiz Histoire Paris, EHESS 2016", note = "Thèse de doctorat Histoire Boǧaziçi üniversitesi (Istanbul) 2016", note = "2016EHES0112", }