Thèse soutenue

Louis Fuzelier, le théâtre et la pratique du vaudeville : établissement et jalons d'analyse d'un corpus

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Auteur / Autrice : Loïc Chahine
Direction : Françoise Rubellin
Type : Thèse de doctorat
Discipline(s) : Littérature française
Date : Soutenance en 2014
Etablissement(s) : Nantes
Ecole(s) doctorale(s) : École doctorale Sociétés, Cultures, Echanges (SCE) (Angers)

Mots clés


Mots clés contrôlés


FR  |  

Louis Fuzelier is an essential figure in the French theatre of the first half of 18th century : he is an author of 181 plays (129 alone, 52 in collaboration), a provider of all parisian stages (Opera, Comédie-Française, Comédie-Italienne, Fairs), a theatre manager, a cantatas lyricist, and a musician himself. I propose here the first large study about him, gathering every known fact of his biography, then recounting his dramatic author career. I draw up a detailed list of his works. The most important part of his work is devoted to opéra comique ; I therefore give an edition of all plays in this form which still exist. I also use this corpus as a field to analyze vaudeville-linked practices, beginning with a study of vaudeville itself. I study the writing of the verses of “sur l’air de”, with respect to both the text-setting and choosing the vaudevilles. Finally, I propose some elements of dramaturgic analysis of the couplets.