Thèse soutenue

Contribution à la modélisation analytique et à la simulation numérique de l’enlèvement de matière et de ses conséquences induites: cas de la coupe orthogonale

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Auteur / Autrice : Ferdinando Salvatore
Direction : Hédi HamdiTarek Mabrouki
Type : Thèse de doctorat
Discipline(s) : Mécanique et ingénierie
Date : Soutenance en 2011
Etablissement(s) : Ecole nationale d'ingénieurs (Saint-Etienne ; 1961-....)

Mots clés



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In this research work, the material removal phenomenon is modelled with analytical and numerical approaches. Experimental tests are made to compare results. During the toolworkpiece contact, many physical phenomena can be taken into account; chip formation, ploughing (burr formation) and spring back. All those aspects are modelled separately (decomposition approach). Chip formation is modelled with a virtual tool, having a cutting edge radius R equal to zero, and an equivalent cutting angle g*, which take into account the cutting radius effects. The effective work material layer removed is f-fcr. Fcr is the separation line between chip formation and ploughing and elastic phenomena. Afterwards the studied phenomena are “recomposed” in order to simulate the reality. Finally the outputs of the model are employed to model analytically the residual stresses in the final piece surface.