Thèse soutenue

Intérêt des cellules gliales olfactives d'origine centrale et périphérique sur la repousse du nerf périphérique

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Auteur / Autrice : Nicolas Guérout
Direction : Jean-Paul Marie
Type : Thèse de doctorat
Discipline(s) : Biologie : Neurosciences
Date : Soutenance en 2010
Etablissement(s) : Rouen

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During my Thesis, my primary field of interest was to address the role of olfactory ensheathing cells (OECs) in the functional recovery after a peripheral nerve lesion in rats. The first study, that I have performed, tempted to address the role that could play OECs obtained for olfactory bulbs (0B-OECs) in regeneration of injured sciatic nerve in section/resection model with gap. Three months after therapy, muscle strength and morphometric studies showed complete restoration of the contractile properties of the gastrocnemius muscle and complete' repair of the sciatic nerve. For a clinical purpose OECs obtained from olfactory mucosa (0M-OECs) seems to be the only acceptable source of cells, also we performed study in order to demonstrate the abilities of OM-OECs to induce recovery in the same surgical model. We could demonstrate that OM-OECs did not induce any recovery. Thus, we hypothesized that OM-OECs and OB-OECs are distinct cellular sub-populations, and to answer this question, we perfomed microarray analysis. We could prove that OM and OB-OECs express distinct gene expression patterns in vitro