Thèse soutenue

Représentations du peuple costaricien : la "race" entre le regard extérieur et la construction nationale, 1821-1917

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Auteur / Autrice : Ronald Soto Quiros
Direction : Yves Aguila
Type : Thèse de doctorat
Discipline(s) : Études ibériques et ibéro-américaines
Date : Soutenance en 2010
Etablissement(s) : Bordeaux 3

Mots clés


Mots clés contrôlés


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This thesis aims to study the representations of the Costa Rican people since the year of independence (1821) and until year 1917. The thesis starts with an observation: a discourse of "Costa Rican exceptionalism" and, more particularly, the "myth" of a white society in Costa Rica always present not only in speeches but also in the Costa Rican international peglance. The thesis proposes the history of representations of Costa Ricans in a long time to understand the "exception" Costa Rican, but by approching in a more precise way the notion of "race" of Costa Ricans. The research is positioned in the theoretical perspective of social representations. The study appropriates particularly a reinterpretation of the concept of "ethnotype". The author captures two dimensions of this system: the biology, "race" and the features of character. The aim of this study is to find differences and similarities of two types of "ethnotype” : endogenous and exogenous. This is done by following a chronological display that includes three periods of 1821-1880 (emergence and maturation), 1880-1899 (consolidation) and 1900-1917 (naturalization). Thus, while shedding new light on the representations of the Costa Rican people, this work led to read again the history of nation building in Costa Rica. By drawing on a vast corpus that includes internal sources and external sources, the work helps to explain that the singularization of a country and the definition of its identity can better understand in the analysis of self-representation and the external perspective.