Thèse soutenue

Psychopathologie cognitive des processus intentionnels schizophréniques dans l'interaction verbale

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Auteur / Autrice : Frédéric Verhaegen
Direction : Michel Musiol
Type : Thèse de doctorat
Discipline(s) : Psychologie
Date : Soutenance le 26/10/2007
Etablissement(s) : Nancy 2
Ecole(s) doctorale(s) : Ecole doctorale Langages, Temps, Sociétés (LTS) (Nancy-Metz)
Jury : Président / Présidente : Michel Wawrzyniak
Examinateurs / Examinatrices : Rachid Soulimani, Alain Trognon
Rapporteurs / Rapporteuses : Chrystel Besche-Richard, Alain Blanchet


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Our purpose is to provide a pragmatic and dialogical model allowing to bring to light, in a "decisive manner", discontinuities which appear in verbal interaction. We discuss the relationship between such discontinuities and possible syndromic specificities of schizophrenic pathology and then the question of inconsistency. We control the influence of antipsychotic drugs on the expression of symptoms as expressed in verbal interaction. This research contributes to describe communication disorders more precisely by developing the concept of "pragmatic pathology". These models of apprehension of discontinuity that we propose turn out to be particularly discriminating when one compares the coherence of the "pathological conversations" with that of the "normal conversations". These models also prove to be useful in accounting for certain specificities associated with coherence of the discursive and dialogical production among the patients inside each of the two diagnostic categories of schizophrenia (paranoid vs disorganized). Finally, our results underline the interest of take into account the antipsychotic treatment variable and its influence on the dialogical behavior and on the complex cognitive processes in the studies about this pathology. Taking into account such a variable will make it possible to discuss the specificities of the cognitive processes connected to the disorders. From a diagnostic point of view, the development of a model of apprehension of the discontinuity suggests the possibility of making operational the concept of "Formal Thought Disorders". This strategy would lead us too set up the early beginnings of a new type of psychopathological theories.