Thèse soutenue

Auteur / Autrice : Mônica Macedo-Rouet
Direction : Pierre Fayard
Type : Thèse de doctorat
Discipline(s) : Informatique
Date : Soutenance en 2002
Etablissement(s) : Poitiers en cotutelle avec Universidade Metodista de São Paulo
Partenaire(s) de recherche : autre partenaire : Université de Poitiers. UFR de sciences humaines et arts

Mots clés



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This research considers present perspectives for science communication in regard of hypermedia usage. We studied the effects of technology on traditional processes of reading and writting in science communication. Therefore, we examined argumentation and legibility conditions in a group of special reports from six popular science magazines (Scientific American, La Recherche, Superinteressante, Galileu, Sciences et Avenir, New Scientist) and, additionally, we conducted an experimental study for one report presented in paper and hypertext formats. The results showed that legibility conditions of hypertexts are not optimal (that is, they do not consider recommendations issued from studies issued from studies in ergonomics research) and may lead to modifications on argumentation. Moreover, the experimental study showed significant negative effects on understanding and higher cognitive load for the hypertext condition, regardless of user satisfaction which was rather good. We conclude that, in the current state of the art, the effects of technology on argumentation and legibility of popular science magazines reports are rather negative. Nevertheless, it is possible to build legible hypertexts, but this requires designers to consider recommendations issued from scientific research. It is necessary, then, to develop scientific knowledge on the relations between form of presentation and rhetoric in different media.